2024 North Region Competitions

2024 North Region Competitions

North Region Foursomes Competition 2024

April 15, 16 and 17 Eaton Golf Club

Entries via Cheshire Ladies County Golf Association website- now open for booking

Australian Spoons Area Final

Area Final July 11 2024 - Gosforth Golf Club

Please see below for more information

North Region County Match Week

June 16 - 19 2024 Lancaster Golf Club

More information from Lancashire Ladies County Golf Association

North Region Close Championship for Women and Girls

Wakefield Golf Club August 6 2024

Unfortunately this Competition has had to be canceled this year because of lack of entries. All entrants will be refunded in due course.

Australian Spoons Competition

Please Click here to learn more about this competition and have a great day out at Gosforth Golf Club with the chance of qualifying for the Grand Final in Lincolnshire at Woodhall Spa Golf Club