Updates from YLCGA


On Friday 20 September there is a get-together arranged for member clubs of the York/Harrogate Region at Sandburn GC.

This will be 9 holes of golf followed by a meeting/informal chat

Further details will be available from your Area Reps - Sandra Valentine and Wendy Capelin in due course

Updates from the YLCGA

Updates from the Executive Meeting 8 April 2024

* A number of highlights regarding past and current YLCGA Team Members
Nicola Slater (Hickleton GC) turning Pro and competing in her 1st tournament in France
Charlotte Heath (Huddersfield GC) competed at Augusta ANWA
Molly Campbell (Rotherham GC) played for the U16 Irish Team in the Netherlands
Results from the Leveret Trophy:
Cherry Marley [The Oaks GC 2nd
Ruby McLellan [Woodsome Hall GC 4th
Mia Eales-Smith [Lindrick GC] 5th

* FAQ sheet re challenges faced by the Inter Club team managing the weather and course conditions is available under Inter Club link on the website......contact the Inter Club team if you have any questions that aren't answered there and when new fixture dates are agreed.

* All members who wish to enter any YLCGA competitions must register on Golf Genius through the County website. The access is through "Competitions" click on the drop-down menu, choose "2024 YLCGA Registration and Competitions entry".


Updates from the Executive Meeting 5 February 2024

• Following feedback It has been proposed and agreed that for a 12-month period, specific highlighted items from YLCGA meetings will be posted on the website.

• We have 2 new Area Reps - Annette Jackson representing the East Region and Wendy Capelin Harrogate/York. We are always looking for new area reps and currently have vacancies in the West and South Region. See Exec Vacancies for details

• Regional meetings took place on 23 February at Hallamshire and Otley. Inter club reps were in attendance to listen to clubs’ suggestions and discussions about all aspects of the inter club leagues.

• Alysia Rigg last year’s junior ambassador, has volunteered to support the junior training events.

• Annette Jackson has also been appointed Junior Team Manager

• Competitions; entries are coming in via the website. Please see the Competitions section of the website for full details on how to enter using Golf Genius

• 2024 Handbooks are to be distributed at the upcoming regional meetings or at the Delegates Meeting at Pike Hills on 18 March or will be posted. There is an online version on the website

• Regional Reps outreach Meetings 2024
Coffee Mornings: 23 Feb at Otley and Hallamshire.

Golf Days: Catterick 31 May
Hainsworth Park 11 April
Details will be circulated by the Area Reps