Captain's Messages

Captain's Message - October 2024

Hello Everyone
As it is now October and I am coming to the end of my year of Captaincy I think I can safely say this will be my last Captain’s Message.

I have found the last year extremely enjoyable and rewarding but it would be remiss of me not to say I have also, at times, found it frustrating, exhausting and tiring.

I have tried to attend as many events as possible. This has ranged from junior competitions, elite training, County Match Week with the 1st team and as many of the YLCGA competitions as possible.
As I was taking on the role of Captaincy at the AGM last November, I said I hoped to see many of you during the year. Well, I certainly think I have achieved that. I have always maintained that being the Yorkshire Captain is not just about our elite players, it is about ALL members of the YLCGA. Captaining the 1st team at Lancaster in County Match Week was an honour and privilege but it was also a delight being at the Inter Club finals along with having so much fun with the juniors at the Jamboree.

In September I went to Hessle to see the Huddersfield Scratch team play in the England Golf Team Champion of Champions. I then went down to Woodhall Spa where Molly Campbell was representing Yorkshire in the Junior Champion of Champions along with Grace Lambert as the Yorkshire Champion and Emma Brown the Yorkshire Senior Champion. It was such a thrill seeing Emma take the English Seniors’ Champion of Champions title once again.

As we know we have had such a lot of rain over the last 12 months but, I have to say, at the events I have attended the weather has been remarkably good. Although I do recall wearing five layers of clothing whilst doing starters duties at the Junior Championship in July!!

Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed my year of Captaincy and will have many fond memories to look back on. It just remains for me to wish Lesly a fantastic 2025 along with Pam Newman as her Vice Captain. I also wish you all success and enjoyment in your golf in the future.

My very best wishes to you all
Yorkshire Captain

Captain's Message - August 2024

Hello Everyone
Well, here we are almost second week of August already!

I’m sure like me some of you have been having a very busy time.
Despite all the rain we have had this year somehow teams managed to complete the Inter club matches. Well done to everyone, it must have been quite a juggling act at times. We are now looking forwards to the finals. All the qualifying teams have been informed and Sue and Karen have the arrangements well in hand. The finals are always a happy, joyous and tense time. I’m sure the finalists are looking forward to them, I know I certainly am.

I wish all those who are taking part the very best. Enjoy the day and do the best you can on the day.

During this last week I went with County Junior Organiser (CJO) Carla Pawson and Lesley Mather to the Junior Jamboree. This year it was hosted by Cumbria at the Barrow in Furness Golf Club. The six team members, ranging from 15 years of age down to 10, all played magnificently and came out the overall winners. This was a wonderful achievement for the girls and for Carla in her first year as CJO. We all had a great time over the two days not only with the golf but also Lesley’s quizzes which caused quite a bit of excitement. Junior golf in Yorkshire is looking healthy and I’m sure under Carla they will go from strength to strength.

I wish you all every success and enjoyment for the remainder of the year.

Best wishes
YLCGA Captain

Captain's Message - June 2024

Hello Everyone
I hope you are all enjoying the sunny days we are having at the moment and that at last you have been able to get out onto the golf course. It’s amazing how courses are starting to recover from the wet weather. Green staff must be beginning to breath a sigh of relief.

Early in May Hallamshire GC hosted us all for the Championship weekend. The course was in excellent condition, our thanks go to all the Greens staff for putting in the hard work to get it to such a high standard.

We were really pleased to celebrate our new YLCGA Champion, Grace Lambert. Grace played Mia Eales-Smith in an exciting final with them having to go down the first extra hole to determine a winner. As expected, it was a very close and well fought final with Grace managing to hold her nerve on a final putt. Our commiserations went to Mia who played some fabulous golf all weekend.

Emma Brown won the Seniors prize and Ruby McLellan the 18-hole competition on the Sunday, very well done to both.
Following the Championship, we were able to make the selection for the 1st team to represent Yorkshire at County Match Week. We have a good mix of youth and experience and are now looking forward to the tournament which is at Lancaster GC 16 – 19 June. If you are able to get over to Lancaster to see any of the play and fly the flag for Yorkshire we would love to see you. As ever for this event we have a number of stalwarts who do caddying duties but it is always good to see some friendly faces around the course supporting. I can assure you there will be some excellent golf and a great feeling of camaraderie.

The Inter Club Championship is now well under way with some teams having almost completed all their matches. Although a little way off yet I’m looking forward to being at the finals and enjoying the buzz and excitement there always is on those days.

We also have the County Foursomes coming up with three prior to County Match Week and three straight after. Marian, Lesly and myself are hoping to split them between us so hopefully there will be one of us at each event.

As you can see it is a very busy time for us but, as always, it really is great to see so many of you. As I have said previously, please come and have a chat if you see us, it’s what makes it all so enjoyable and worthwhile.

With my very best wishes

YLCGA Captain

Captain's Message - Easter 2024

Easter Greetings

I can’t believe April is just around the corner. Although we have had such a wet winter, for me it seems to have flown by. At least here at the YLCGA the winter months give us time to do a lot of our admin work and I am no exception.

One of the tasks I had was to apply for World Amateur Golf Rankings (WAGR) status for our Championship. I am pleased to say, so long as the competition reaches the necessary criteria, the Championship will qualify. This is a boost for our women and junior girls. The Championship this year is at Hallamshire GC on 10, 11 and 12 May. Full details are on the YLCGA website. I look forward to seeing some of you there and remember even if you are not playing, we always welcome spectators.

Whilst the Challenge Bowl won’t be a WAGR qualifying event, it’s a fabulous three days with something for everyone. This year it is 2, 3, 4, July at Hickleton. Again, full details are on the website

Remember we have competitions going on throughout the year, all at great venues so have a look on the website and get your entries in.

Now that the nights are pulling out and clocks leaping forward this weekend, I am sure everyone is getting itchy feet and wanting to get playing golf again. The Inter Club Championship starts next Monday and whilst I don’t expect many of you will be playing your first match on Easter Monday, I am sure many of you will soon be getting into the full swing of it. I wish those of you who are playing for your club, success and enjoyment.

Vice-Captain Lesly and I look forward to seeing many of you at the events and having a chat with old friends and new.

For now, I wish everyone a Happy Easter.
My very best wishes
YLCGA Captain.

Captain's Message - January 2024

Welcome to the first Captain’s message of 2024.

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and are looking forward to a happy, healthy and successful New Year.

I know that, due to the terrible amount of rain we have had, many of you have not been able to play much golf. Whilst I’m sure you will be honing your putting skills on the sitting room carpet; this time is a great opportunity to be looking at competitions and paperwork for the coming season.

The Competition’s team have asked me to remind you that you must be registered on Golf Genius to enter any of the YLCGA competitions. Also, that the entry to them all is open and can be accessed via the website.

I am delighted to tell you that we now have two new Inter Club Secretaries, Sue Rushbrook Secretary and Karen Leake Assistant Secretary. They are currently busy focussing on getting to grips with the process involved in running the leagues. I am sure you will join me in wishing Sue, Karen and their subcommittee every success in the year ahead.

Forms in relation to Inter Club fixture dates are available on the website. Could clubs please complete the relevant form(s) and return to either Sue or Karen as stated on them.

I’ll be updating you all again in the near future.

With Best Wishes

Captain's Welcome - November 2023

Welcome to my first message as Yorkshire Captain.

It doesn’t seem so long ago that Lynn Wallis, former Captain and Competitions Secretary, encouraged me to stand as Inter Club Assistant, never thinking that one day I would be asked to become the Captain. But here we are.

We are really pleased to be welcoming some new members onto the Executive this year; Carla Pawson as Junior Organiser, Sue Rushbrook, Inter Club Secretary and Annette Jackson, East Area Representative. Also coming back onto the committee, Heather Muir, Treasurer and Jane Schofield, West Area Representative. We are always looking at moving the YLCGA forward and I am sure the new members will bring fresh ideas and energy to the group.

We are also delighted to welcome Marian Rae as the President. I know Marian will bring a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to the organisation.

During my year as Vice-Captain I was really pleased to meet so many of you. Not only at competitions but also at some of the Area Representative’s get-togethers. I’m hoping this year to meet even more of you, so please do come and speak to me at events. It’s good to be able to discuss things and share ideas and I’m always ready to have a chat!!

Finally, Lesly and I are looking forward to an exciting and successful year and hopefully with your help we can achieve it.

With Best Wishes